ICSE Class 10 Geography 2022 Semester-1 Sample Paper

Maximum Marks are 40 and Time allowed is one hour. All the questions are compulsory. Section A contains questions on Topography.

Section A (10 Marks): Topography

1. What does the black line in 4932 indicate?

  1. Open Scrub.
  2. Dry land.
  3. Broken land.
  4. Seasonal stream.

2. What is the direction of Dantrai from Dhann?

  1. North east.
  2. Northwest.
  3. South East.
  4. South west.

3. What is .277 in 4833?

  1. Spot height of 277 m
  2. Spot Height of 277 cm
  3. Spot height of 277 mm
  4. Spot height of 277 km

4. What does . 2r in 5032 indicate?

  1. The relative height of the tank is 2 m
  2. The relative height of the tank is 2 cm
  3. The relative depth of the embankment is 2 m
  4. The relative depth of the embankment is 2 cm

5. What is the main occupation of the people living in the area shown on the map extract?

  1. Mining
  2. Agriculture
  3. Fishing
  4. Sheep rearing

6. Which is the most important town in the above image?

  1. Idarla.
  2. Malawa.
  3. Dantrai.
  4. Dhann.

7. What is the black vertical line between 49 and 50 Easting?

  1. A line of latitude.
  2. A line of longitude.
  3. An Easting.
  4. A northing.

8. What is the four figure grid reference of rock outcrop?

  1. 4832
  2. 4933
  3. 3248
  4. 3349

9. Which drainage pattern is seen in 5438?

  1. Radial.
  2. Trellised.
  3. Intermittent.
  4. Dendritic.

10. Name the settlement pattern in grid square 4833.

  1. Nucleated.
  2. Compact.
  3. Scattered.
  4. Isolated.

Section B (30 Marks)

11. Where are the various forest conservation methods that can be undertaken?

  1. Afforestation and stopping indiscriminate felling of trees.
  2. Large scale of deforestation and overgrazing.
  3. Allowing animals to graze in farm land.
  4. Maintaining records of forest areas.

12. Name the type of climate experienced in India.

  1. Tropical cyclonic type
  2. Tropical Monsoon Type
  3. Temperate Monsoon type
  4. Subtropical monsoon

13. Which state in India is the first to experience the onset of the Monsoons and the last to see it retreat.

  1. Andaman & Nicobar
  2. Kerala
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Tamil Nadu

14. Which of the following is good for Tea and Jute cultivation?

  1. Kalbaisakhi.
  2. Loo.
  3. Western Disturbance.
  4. Monsoon showers.

15. Which of the following factor is responsible for the rises in the temperature of mainland of India in the month of March?

  1. Southward migration of the sun from the equator.
  2. Northward migration of the sun from the equator.
  3. The pressure belts shift.
  4. The land breeze blows towards the sea.

16. Why has Thar developed into a desert?

  1. It has no cloud cover.
  2. It is near the sea.
  3. It is on the windward side of Western Ghats
  4. Aravalli is parallel to S.W. Monsoon wind

17. Give reasons for the following:

(a) There is heavy rainfall in the Western coastal plains

  1. Presence of Aravali mountain range in Western India.
  2. The Eastern coastal plains have no intercepting barrier.
  3. Presence of Deccan Plateau.
  4. Presence of Western Ghats.

(b) In June, Bhopal is warmer than Kolkata

  1. Due to its continental location.
  2. Due to Kolkata's proximity to the sea.
  3. Bhopal is closer to the Tropic of Cancer.
  4. Himalayan hill station Darjeeling, is closer to Kolkata than it is to Bhopal.

18. What is the main reason for the red colour of Red soil?

  1. Abundance of magnesium
  2. Accumulated humus
  3. Presence of ferric oxides
  4. Abundance of Phosphates

19. Afforestation prevent soil erosion because:

  1. It reduces pollution
  2. It protects the soil from being exposed
  3. The roots of the trees bind the soil particles
  4. Trees produce fruits

20. Which of the following soil is most suitable for the cultivation of cotton & sugarcane?

  1. Laterite soil
  2. Black soil
  3. Red soil
  4. Alluvial Soil

21. Which of the following factor is responsible for acidic nature of Laterite soil?

  1. As it is friable in nature.
  2. As it can retain moisture.
  3. As the bases leached down from the top soil.
  4. All the above are correct.

22. Name the process of removal of soluble mineral salts, especially the bases & silica from horizon A or the top soil by percolating rain water.

  1. Pedogenesis
  2. Leaching
  3. Lithification
  4. Conglomeration

23. Study the map and answer the following questions:

(a)  Which soil is found in the shaded region?

  1. Black soil
  2. Alluvial soil
  3. Red soil
  4. Laterite soil

(b) How is this type of soil formed?

  1. Formed by the deposition of silt brought down by rivers.
  2. Formed by weathering of alluvium.

24. Which of the following features is not associated with Thorn and Scrub Forest?

  1. Xerophyte or Drought resistant
  2. Evergreen and Multilayered
  3. Long roots going deep in the ground
  4. Leaves turned into spines

25. What is Social Forestry?

  1. The management and protection of forests and afforestation on barren lands with the purpose of helping in the social development.
  2. The practice of growing trees on Farm lands.
  3. Growing trees by social workers.
  4. Forest used for social gathering.

26. In which vegetation belt multiple layer of trees is found?

  1. Tropical Deciduous
  2. Tropical Evergreen
  3. Thorn and scrub forest
  4. Tidal forest

27. Why are Sundarbans so called?

  1. The abundance of breathing roots
  2. A beautiful forest
  3. The abundance of Sundari trees
  4. Ban of cutting of trees

28. What is the other name of Littoral forests?

  1. Rain Forests
  2. Monsoon forests
  3. Tidal Forests
  4. Scrub lands

29. What are the chief characteristics of monsoon forests?

  1. These regions receive a moderate rainfall
  2. The trees shed their leaves in the dry season
  3. The trees are found in pure stand
  4. All the above

30. Which is the most advanced and efficient method of irrigation?

  1. Canal Irrigation
  2. Well Irrigation
  3. Drip Irrigation
  4. Tank irrigation

31. What is the meaning of irrigation is?

  1. The water received by rainfall
  2. The man-made arrangements of supplying water to the fields
  3. The storage of rain water
  4. Growing of crops

32. Which of the following is a type of canal found in India?

  1. Perennial Canal
  2. River Canal
  3. Artificial Canal
  4. Ground Canal

33. Sprinkler irrigation is efficient but is still not a very commonly used method of irrigation by the Indian farmers. Why?

  1. There is no loss of water by seepage
  2. It is an expensive method of irrigation
  3. There is no loss of water by evaporation
  4. Farmers are scared of getting wet

34. Why do the inundation canals have limited use?

  1. They get water only when the rivers are in flood
  2. They are taken out from a perennial river
  3. They are constructed to store rain water
  4. It occupies lot of space

35. Match the following:

(a) Khatri (i) Western Ghats
(b) Johad (ii) Ladakh
(c) Zing (iii) Western Himalayas
(d) Surangam (iv) Central India